=== FILES === PB00IMG_Desire_C_Verizon_WWE_2.37.605.4_release_signed.zip - PB00IMG.ZIP for Eclair MR4 (includes locked hboot) - signed with HTC-specific whole-file signature (uses data after EOCD) - has downgrade protection based on a version number in the misc partition - includes hboot 1.49.0000 (locked), userdata, system, radio, etc. - place in /sdcard root (must be FAT32) and run bootloader PB00IMG-leaked-root.zip - PB00IMG.ZIP for pre-MR3 leaked enginering build - includes hboot 1.49.2000 (engineering hboot) - http://androidforums.com/all-things-root-eris/121597-how-install-engineering-bootloader.html "Original Root Rom" boot-root-serial.img - custom boot.img with changes: - headset & serial console disabled (to leave serial port available) - chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMSM2 (serial port) in init.rc - ro.secure=0 (root adb) in default.prop misc-rollback-custom.img - misc image to defeat rollback protection that blocks PB00IMG-leaked-root - (of course you need to be able to flash misc somehow) - http://androidforums.com/all-things-root-eris/121597-how-install-engineering-bootloader.html "Custom Misc Image" recovery-RA-eris-v1.6.2.img - Amon Ra enthusiast recovery - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=648025 gscript.zip - root exploit for any Eris version - http://androidforums.com/all-things-root-eris/127861-universal-eris-root-dummies.html passion-ota-121341.zip - for Nexus 1, not Eris -- signed full OTA image for GRJ22 update signed-hboot-0.35.0017.zip - for Nexus 1, not Eris -- signed hboot OTA image === NOTES === Starting from Cupcake: - apply PB00IMG-leaked-root.zip (write /PB00IMG.ZIP on sdcard, boot to hboot) - fastboot flash system and radio from PB00IMG_Desire_C...zip - fastboot flash recovery recovery-RA-eris-v1.6.2.img - fastboot flash boot boot-root-serial.img - fastboot erase userdata - reboot Starting from locked Eclair: - use gscript.zip (or some other exploit) to get temporary root - adb shell flash_image misc misc-rollback-custom.img - go to "Starting from Cupcake" Building the kernel: - download the NDK export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=.../android-ndk-r4b/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi- adb pull /proc/config.gz .config.gz && gunzip .config.gz - edit .config to remove HEADSET, SERIAL_DEBUGGER items make oldconfig make -j4 Packing a boot.img: mkbootimg --kernel newkernel.zImage --ramdisk newramdisk.cpio.gz --cmdline 'no_console_suspend=1 console=null' --base 0x11200000 -o newboot.img See also: - http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack,_Edit,_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images - http://www.thefuzz4.net/home/AndroidPhones/Eris/HowToRootYourHTCEris/ErisRootRoms.aspx - http://code.google.com/p/zen-droid/downloads/detail?name=mkbootimg - http://code.google.com/p/android-serialport-api/wiki/Htc