This is an Arduino Library. For more information see see: Quick Installation instructions: * Create a new directory in your sketchbook directory called "libraries" * Create a directory below that called "lightuino5" * Copy all files in this package into there. * Restart the Arduino IDE. Linux Example: mkdir ~/sketchbook/libraries cd ~/sketchbook/libraries unzip lightuino5.?.zip -d ~/sketchbook/libraries Installing the USB: Windows: Install the Lightuino "driver". I actually use the standard usbser.sys driver that ships with windows. There is a .inf file in this directory that you should give to windows during the driver install process. Ignore the "driver signing" warning... since I am not even providing a driver, this is just silliness designed to make M$ more money! Linux: There is nothing to do! The Lightuino shows up as /dev/ttyACMx. If you do not see this in the Arduino IDE, please upgrade it to version 21 or greater. Tell Arduino IDE about the Lightuino board: To use the Lightuino USB, you need to add an entry in the boards.txt file, located at: /hardware/arduino/boards.txt. Or possibly in /usr/local/arduino/hardware/arduino/boards.txt. Here is an example for the Lightuino 16 and 20mhz board (cut and paste this at the top of your boards.txt file): 5 16mhz lightuino5_16.upload.protocol=stk500 lightuino5_16.upload.maximum_size=32768 lightuino5_16.upload.speed=19200 lightuino5_16.bootloader.low_fuses=0xFF lightuino5_16.bootloader.high_fuses=0xDA lightuino5_16.bootloader.extended_fuses=0x05 lightuino5_16.bootloader.path=atmega lightuino5_16.bootloader.file=ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex lightuino5_16.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F lightuino5_16.bootloader.lock_bits=0x0F ############################################################## 5 20mhz lightuino5_20.upload.protocol=stk500 lightuino5_20.upload.maximum_size=32768 lightuino5_20.upload.speed=19200 lightuino5_20.bootloader.low_fuses=0xFF lightuino5_20.bootloader.high_fuses=0xDA lightuino5_20.bootloader.extended_fuses=0x05 lightuino5_20.bootloader.path=atmega lightuino5_20.bootloader.file=ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex lightuino5_20.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F lightuino5_20.bootloader.lock_bits=0x0F ############################################################## Using the Lightuino shield with the Arduino Mega The library has been ported to the Mega 2560, with some caveats. The Lightuino shield has no USB, so delete any references to the "Usb" global variable (generally used to print) you find in the example sketches. Currently, the PORTA pins (digital IOs 22 to 29) are supported. So you'll have to remove the default pin selection solder blobs on the bottom of the board, and add jumper wires to get you to PORTA. Its pretty easy to switch the Lightuino libraries to use another set of digital IOs, so long as they are in the same PORT register. Search the forums or post on it for details. That's it! Good luck!