{{ Display.spin }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ Num : "Numbers" TV : "TV_Terminal" PUB Main | Temp Num.Init 'Initialize Numbers TV.Start(12) 'Start TV Terminal Temp := 900 * 45 + 401 'Evaluate expression TV.Str(string("900 * 45 + 401 = ")) 'then display it and TV.Str(Num.ToStr(Temp, Num#DDEC)) 'its result in decimal TV.Out(13) TV.Str(string("In hexadecimal it's = ")) 'and in hexadecimal TV.Str(Num.ToStr(Temp, Num#IHEX)) TV.Out(13) TV.Out(13) TV.Str(string("Counting by fives:")) 'Now count by fives TV.Out(13) repeat Temp from 5 to 30 step 5 TV.Str(Num.ToStr(Temp, Num#DEC)) if Temp < 30 TV.Out(",")